Thursday, March 27, 2008

R-U Ready to Save the Day?

It's time to join the League of Extraordinary Software Developers at the IBM Rational Software Development Conference 2008, June 1-5, at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel.

Yes, Rational User, look to the skies! The R-Signal is sweeping across the clouds with the challenge: R-U Ready to Save the Day?

We've also introduced the key 'Heroes' on Myspace.
You can type in the URLs below and engage with them via the emails provided below:

Friday, March 21, 2008

Murray Cantor on IT Governance

Network Computing India ran a two-page interview with Rational's Dr. Murray Cantor on the subject of IT governance. The Q&A captures Murray's opinions about the need for governance in the industry.

We've been focusing on governance a lot here on the Architecture Management team, but there's still lots of uncertainty about what is meant by IT Governance. Murray clears it up in the Q&A:

The first part is about looking at your IT organization and reasoning about the decision rights, authority so that you know that right people are making right decisions. Policies are a way of informing and constraining those decisions. They provide guidance around the decision process. The second part is about putting in place measurements and controls so that you know that the IT organization is delivering what it needs to deliver to be effective.

We're working on projects like Asset Manager to help with governance of IT assets, and you'll be seeing us add to the collaborative, analysis and accessibility aspects of the solutions over time. Right now, in fact, we're offering a rebate on Asset Manager and WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) if you buy them together to help governance of your SOA assets.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Telelogic Acquisition gains EU approval

After many months of deliberations, IBM's acquisition of Telelogic was given the green light by the European Union yesterday. The news was widely reported across the globe. Some reports are linked here:

Infoworld: With the acquisition of Telelogic, IBM will become by far the largest vendor of two types of software development tools: software modelling and requirements management tools. Initially the Commission suspected that the combined strength of the two companies would skew competition in these market sectors, pushing up prices and shutting out competitors....
"The deal will not harm competition in Europe or in any part of Europe," the Commission said.

InformationWeek and, amazingly enough, also commented.

Welcome to the team, Telelogic!