SD West 2008 is next week, in Santa Clara CA. IBM is a platinum sponsor of the event, and Scott Ambler, Practice Leader of Rational's Agile Development business will be speaking at the conference on Agile Model Driven Development.
He also has another interesting talk scheduled - here's the abstract:
Sci-Fi 2008In my opinion - worth watching: Torchwood and Doctor Who. If you don't get BBC America - sign up for it now!
Speaker: Scott Ambler (Practice Leader Agile Development, IBM)
Date/Time: Monday (March 3, 2008) 7:00pm — 8:30pm
Presentation Abstract
The 2007-2008 television and movie season has provided us with a bonanza of science fiction: Jericho, Battlestar Galactica, Bionic Woman, Torchwood, Dr. Who, Stargate Atlantis, Iron Man, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Star Trek XI … Let's get together and share our opinions about what is actually worth watching. If you like we can even discuss why none of the other captains hold a candle to James T. Kirk.
More importantly, Ken will also be at the show, bravely staffing the booth. I'm sure he'll be blogging the event too!